Colorado Immigration Lawyer

What is Deportation?

Deportation is the process in which a person is returned to their home country for either violating the terms of their visa (i.e. accepting work while on a tourist visa), or having unlawful presence in the U.S. even if the person has not committed a crime. A U.S. legal resident may also face deportation if they commit a deportable crime.

Deportation / Removal

We Will Fight to Keep You in the United States!

Formally called deportation, immigrants face removal in the United States if they are caught living or working in the United States illegally, or if they are convicted of a crime. When a loved one has been taken into ICE custody, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!! Authorities may commence deportation proceedings immediately, and your loved one may not be able to contact you for at least 24 hours, since this is how long initial processing may take.

Once you do have contact, make sure that you get their alien number, which begins with the letter A. This is the case number that immigration court will use to keep track of their case. This case number will be written on the top of a “NOTICE TO APPEAR” and their “NOTICE OF HEARING” documents. If your loved one has received these documents, it means that they are formally in deportation proceedings. Typically, a person who is in deportation proceedings will get a chance to file for a citizenship.

Deportation Proceedings For Legal Permanent Residents

Legal Permanent Residents (green card holders) may be subjected to removal proceedings, and deported from the United States if they are convicted of certain crimes. The type of crimes that commonly result in the loss of a green card and removal from the United States are the following: domestic violence, sexual crimes, drug convictions, assault with weapons, fraud, felony convictions, theft, robbery, gang-related crimes, and other crimes.

Under the United States Immigration and Nationality act, a Legal Permanent resident may qualify for a waiver in order to keep their green card once they are convicted of a crime. However, because not all types of crimes are eligible for a waiver, it is very important that green card holder consult with an immigration attorney before they plead to any criminal act in criminal court.Unfortunately, very few criminal attorneys and public defenders are familiar with immigration law and the deportation consequences of certain crimes.

Experienced immigration attorney Bobbie Masters can provide legal assistance to help you avoid a conviction which may result in removal proceedings. If you are a green card holder who is currently in deportation proceedings, Colorado Immigration Lawyer can help you obtain a waiver so that you may keep your green card and continue to live and work in the United States.

In addition, we provide top notch legal services in immigration court. Depending on the individual situation, this work may include some or all of the following: completing necessary court documents, pleadings, motions, interviewing witnesses, gathering sworn affidavits from witnesses, and writing legal briefs and appeals. During removal proceedings, an immigration judge must decide if a foreign national qualifies for removal or is eligible for relief under certain conditions, including

  • Adjustment of Status: Changing your status to a permanent residence, which may cancel the removal proceedings.
  • Cancellation of Removal: Some foreign nationals who have been living in the United States for 10 years may be eligible for cancellation of removal if they meet additional specified requirements.
  • Asylum: Foreign nationals who came to the United States to escape political, social or religious persecution and who would be in danger if they returned to their home country.
  • Voluntary Departure: Immigrants facing deportation choose to leave the United States on their own accord.